Arsaga Partners, Tokyu Land, NTT, and DOCOMO to Collaborate on R&D for IOWN-Enhanced Services

Arsaga Partners, Inc., Tokyu Land Corporation, NTT Corporation, and NTT DOCOMO, INC. have jointly declared their collaboration to explore innovative telecommunication services leveraging NTT’s state-of-the-art all-photonics Innovative Optical and Wireless Network (IOWN).

In December 2023, Tokyu Land, NTT, and NTT Corporation introduced APN IOWN 1.01 to Shibuya Sakura Stage2, as part of the Greater Shibuya3 project, a significant redevelopment initiative in Tokyo’s entertainment hub, Shibuya district. Together with Shibuya-based company Arsaga Partners, the plan is to utilize IOWN technologies for developing telecommunication services that will enhance daily life in the Greater Shibuya area and beyond.

The initial project involves the use of APN IOWN 1.0 to create a remote conferencing system called “Secure Hotline Powered by IOWN.” This development is a response to companies participating in IOWN WEEK, expressing a need for a service capitalizing on APN IOWN 1.0’s low latency and zero jitter characteristics, facilitating face-to-face-like meetings with remote partners.

The focus is on creating a user-friendly design for the remote conferencing service, ensuring an intuitive setup and call operation for a smooth communication experience. The service aims to provide a secure environment for confidential meetings, utilizing IOWN’s dedicated lines for remote communication.

Each partner company plays a distinct role in this collaboration:

  • Arsaga Partners: Responsible for planning and developing applications running on APN IOWN 1.0.
  • Tokyu Land Corporation: Provides OTN Anywhere and locations for verification tests.
  • NTT: Offers technical support, including R&D, for IOWN.
  • DOCOMO: Evaluates services using advanced technologies, including IOWN.

Arsaga Partners, known for its commitment to digital transformation, has recently relocated its office to Shibuya Sakura Stage6, a building with APN IOWN 1.0 implemented, to continue delivering innovative solutions to users.

Tokyu Land Corporation, guided by an environmental management policy, has switched to 100% renewable energy for all its facilities and actively addresses environmental issues through business activities like biodiversity conservation.

NTT Corporation and DOCOMO consider IOWN as a fundamental tool for an inclusive and sustainable society, focusing on R&D of network and information processing infrastructure. APN IOWN 1.0, launched in March 2023, emphasizes significant reduction in power consumption through optoelectronic convergence devices.

The collaborative effort aims to continue developing next-generation solutions using advanced IOWN technology to enhance daily life.

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