Comcast has premiered Two Beats, One Soul, a documentary that explores the fusion of Cuban and American music, on its Black Experience on Xfinity channel and the Xumo Play streaming app. The film, produced by music industry veterans Ray Chew and Vivian Scott Chew, delves into the cultural synergy between Afro-Caribbean rhythms and modern music. Filmed over two weeks in Havana, it highlights the creative collaboration between U.S. and Cuban artists, featuring talents like Eric Benét, Louie Vega, and Sergio George.
The documentary offers a deep dive into Cuban culture while chronicling the Chews’ journey to create an album inspired by Cuba’s rich musical heritage. Despite facing challenges like financial restrictions, political hurdles, and even natural disasters, the film captures the spirit of determination and collaboration, culminating in a celebration of Cuban and American musical legacies.
Loren Hudson, Comcast’s SVP and Chief Diversity Officer, expressed excitement about the partnership, saying, “This film reinforces our commitment to amplifying authentic Black stories and culture on a platform that allows diverse talent to inspire a broader audience.”
The film not only documents the making of the album but also showcases the resilience and shared humanity of the artists involved, demonstrating how music transcends barriers. The Two Beats, One Soul album is available on streaming platforms, offering listeners a taste of the powerful blend of Cuban and American sounds.
For more information, visit the filmmakers’ website at .
Black Experience on Xfinity is a destination for Black storytelling, featuring original and acquired content from Comcast NBCUniversal and other major studios. It is available at no additional cost to Xfinity customers on channel 1622 or via the Xfinity Stream app by saying “Black Experience” into the Voice Remote.