Decisions Made at Tele2’s 2024 Annual General Meeting

At the recent Annual General Meeting (AGM), key decisions were made regarding the company’s financial matters and leadership structure for the year 2023. Here’s a recap of the resolutions passed:

  1. Dividend Declaration: The AGM approved the annual report for 2023 and decided to distribute an ordinary dividend of SEK 6.90 per share. This dividend will be paid out in two installments of SEK 3.45 per share each. The record date for the first payment is set for May 17, 2024, and for the second payment, it’s October 15, 2024. Shareholders can expect to receive their dividends on May 22, 2024, and October 18, 2024, respectively.
  2. Board Re-Election and New Members: Stina Bergfors, Sam Kini, Eva Lindqvist, and Lars-Åke Norling were re-elected as Board members, while Nicholas Högberg, Thomas Reynaud, Aude Durand, and Jean-Marc Harion joined the Board as new members. Thomas Reynaud has been appointed as the new Chairman of the Board.
  3. Auditor Appointment: KPMG has been elected as the new auditor until the conclusion of the 2025 AGM, with Tomas Gerhardsson designated as the auditor-in-charge.
  4. Liability Discharge: The AGM discharged the members of the Board and the CEO from liability for the financial year 2023.
  5. Additional Resolutions: Various other resolutions were passed, including decisions on remuneration for the Board and the auditor, approval of the Board’s remuneration report, adoption of a performance-based incentive programme (LTI 2024), authorization for the Board to issue up to 1,960,000 Class C shares, repurchase of all Class C shares, transfer of a maximum of 2,070,000 Class B shares to participants in LTI 2024, sale of own Class B shares to support Tele2’s long-term incentive programmes, authorization for the Board to repurchase up to 10 percent of the total outstanding shares in Tele2, and dismissal of proposals from shareholders.

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