GICL Successfully Deploys 10,000km of Fiber Optic Cabling Network

IHS Nigeria, a division of IHS Holding Limited (NYSE: IHS), a prominent global entity recognized for its substantial ownership, operation, and development of shared communications infrastructure, has successfully completed the deployment of over 10,000 kilometers of fiber optic cables spanning Nigeria’s 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory. This achievement, executed through its subsidiary, Global Independent Connect Limited (GICL), marks a significant milestone in line with the Federal Government’s National Broadband Plan, aiming for a 70% broadband penetration in Nigeria by 2025.

Specifically, IHS Nigeria remains dedicated to advancing connectivity through the deployment of Fiber-to-the-Tower (FTTT), enhancing transmission capacity to boost the performance of fiber access networks and facilitate the integration of cutting-edge technologies like 5G services. By establishing connections between towers, IHS Nigeria is instrumental in extending fiber infrastructure to key metropolitan areas, fostering the delivery of digital services to residences, businesses, and public institutions in collaboration with its partners.

In conjunction with GICL’s fiber optic network, IHS Nigeria has successfully brought mobile network coverage to over 580 previously unconnected rural communities in Nigeria through its rural telephony program. This initiative contributes to meeting Mobile Network Operators’ (MNO) rollout objectives and aligns with the Federal Government’s agenda for digital inclusion by delivering essential voice and data services to these communities.

Kazeem Oladepo, Vice President of GICL, stated, “The challenge of limited metropolitan and long-haul fiber optic networks continues to impede the enhancement of communication services and the integration of emerging technologies and digital services in Nigeria. Our strategic approach to fiber optic cable deployment focuses on creating networks with open access, shared infrastructure, offering robust and scalable fiber pairs and alternate ducts to enable multiple operators to leverage the infrastructure. Through collaborative efforts with various stakeholders, including our customers and government agencies, we have achieved significant milestones in fiber optic cable network delivery within a span of less than three years. Our commitment to supporting the Federal Government’s digital economy objectives is unwavering, and this accomplishment underscores the potential for accelerated critical infrastructure rollout when key stakeholders align their goals.”

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