Leading IP Executive Appointed to Leadership Role at Sisvel

Sisvel has appointed Jukka Nihtilä, a highly recognized leader in the global patent transactions market, as part of its ongoing commitment to growth and innovation. Previously Head of Business Development, Multimedia, and New Segments at Nokia Technologies, Nihtilä has been named one of the world’s leading IP strategists by IAM.

Operating from Sisvel’s Barcelona office, Nihtilä will focus on identifying new business opportunities and enhancing current ones. His role will also involve leveraging the expertise of Sisvel’s talented team to maximize the firm’s potential.

Expressing his enthusiasm for the new role, Nihtilä said, “I am delighted to join Sisvel at such an exciting time. The firm is known for its flexible and innovative approaches to addressing the complexities of today’s technology market. Its successful licensing programs and collaborations with leading companies and research institutions are a solid foundation to build upon. I look forward to working with my new colleagues to uncover even more opportunities for growth.”

Sisvel President Mattia Fogliacco commented, “Bringing Jukka on board reflects our ambition and ability to attract top talent. As Europe’s oldest and largest patent pool operator, we’re determined to evolve into an even more dynamic and entrepreneurial company. Jukka’s wealth of experience and proven success will be instrumental in shaping our future.”

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