8×8’s AI- powered Intelligent client Adjunct Drives client Experience Success and Enhanced Contact Center Performance

A commanding intertwined pall contact center and unified dispatches platform provider, moment blazoned that 8×8 Intelligent client Adjunct has enabled associations to enhance client service gests and increase edge in the contact center. Since its launch in March 2023, guests are reporting lesser than 70 first- contact resolution rates using the AI- powered service, and relations on 8×8 Intelligent client Assistant increased over 50 from the former quarter. Delivered as part of 8×8 Contact Center, 8×8 Intelligent client Adjunct is a important, stoner-friendly conversational AI result that enables businesses to produce simple to complex tone- service gests across digital and voice channels. “ By enforcing a chatbot, we wanted to be suitable to support our guests not just during our core operating hours, but every hour of every day, ” said Rebecca Gordon, Digital Lead at Westminster City Council. “ 8×8 Intelligent client Adjunct seamlessly integrated into our contact center and has demonstrated a first contact resolution success rate of 80 on average, occasionally indeed reaching 100, serving not as a relief for our being contact center and agents, but as an improvement to our sweats and the overall client experience. ”

8×8 Intelligent client Adjunct provides graphical unity capabilities that allow enterprises to make largely scalable, always available, harmonious gests across multiple regions, channels, and languages, with veritably little redundant trouble. 8×8 guests experience fast time to value as bots are stationed and running within four to six weeks, on average. Key 8×8 Intelligent client Adjunct features include

Streamline Workflows and exclude Eyeless Transfers From automated digital and voice tone- service gests to live agent backing, commerce workflows are flawless and minimize the need for homemade data collection. exclude eyeless transfers with client environment and bot commerce details delivered to a live agent, empowering them to deliver more individualized, amicable gests .
figure and Emplace fleetly Using low- law/ no- law graphical scripting tools, a single bot can be snappily erected and stationed across any channel similar as voice, WhatsApp, SMS, and web converse, among others, in 100 languages.
practicable discussion perceptivity erected- in, comprehensive analytics deliver perceptivity and intuitive monitoring and reporting for advanced client trip visibility. snappily identify where a bot is performing well and where to make adaptations in the experience to optimize resolution rates.
Turnkey Integration Options Marketplace and turnkey integrations with CRMs allow for a wide variety of customizations for a largely individualized client experience within a voicebot commerce.
Enabling customized, substantiated client engagements, 8×8 Intelligent client Adjunct provides enhanced gests for both contact center agents and their guests

“ We ’ve been suckers of 8×8’s products and services for times, so when 8×8 Intelligent client Adjunct was blazoned we knew we could make good use of it then at Acer while adding value to how we support our guests, ” said Gary Boucher, Program Manager at Acer. “ Planting 8×8 Intelligent client Adjunct was veritably easy – 8×8 handed a lot of support in design and development and we were suitable to launch within just four weeks. This result has made it possible to offer SMS as a new support channel, the convenience of which conducted12.5 of new volume to converse, and we believe its ease of use will greatly increase client satisfaction and fidelity. ”
“ We had done an inspection of our contact center, setting how numerous of the relations could be handled by a chatbot and we realized the impact an intelligent, AI- driven tool would have in helping us handle high volumes of client relations, ” said Thomas Rocharz, Director of Contact Centers at Cape Air. “ 8×8 Intelligent client Adjunct will allow us to apply AI- enabled voice tone- service to snappily resolve client inquiries, with the capability to fluently add new channels and agent- facing AI backing as our company grows, all while furnishing excellent service in a timely and effective manner. ”
“ Our thing for enforcing a chatbot was to offer our members and callers an fluently passable, tone- sufficient option, rather than demanding to calculate solely on Member Contact Center representatives for support, ” said Wendi Sheehy, Chief Operating Officer at Thinkwise Credit Union. “ We were blown down by the results after planting 8×8 Intelligent client Adjunct- we’re completely confident in its capability to give applicable, applicable information and it’s now completely handling over 90 of its relations without agent engagement! ”
“ The deployment process for 8×8 Intelligent client Adjunct was quick, flawless, and the whole platoon was fully professional the entire time, ” said Adam Rigg, IT Digital Critic at Housing results. “ Once stationed, the result incontinently freed our agents from answering routine questions, allowing them to concentrate on further complex client enterprises. On top of that, the product is veritably flexible, covers a lot of different use cases, and provides a common frame for scaling. ”
“ With 8×8 Intelligent client Adjunct, virtual agents are erected formerly and stationed across multiple channels, keeping development simple, ” said Gary Byrne, Business Analyst at IT results. “ Everything is veritably customizable, from the stoner interface to the virtual agent’s capability to interact with different druggies in personable, applicable ways. ”
“ AI- powered capabilities are enabling associations to give enhanced, substantiated tone- service support gests for their guests – not only driving brand fidelity, but also perfecting the contact center agent experience, ” said Hunter Middleton, Chief Product Officer at 8×8,Inc. “ 8×8 Intelligent client Adjunct enables associations to more serve their guests, across both voice and digital channels, by furnishing answers snappily and seamlessly for guests, and knowing when to escalate issues to a live agent. On the other hand, contact center agents are handed with the coffers they need to concentrate on complex client issues, rather than spending precious time and coffers on mundane, easy to answer questions. ”

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