Charter Communications Adopts Sensormatic Solutions for Shopper Insights in 700+ Retail Stores

Charter Communications, Inc., the provider of broadband connectivity services under the Spectrum brand, has joined forces with Sensormatic Solutions, the leading retail solutions portfolio of Johnson Controls. In an ambitious initiative, Sensormatic Solutions will deploy its cutting-edge in-store traffic analytics solutions across more than 700 Spectrum stores throughout the United States over the next three years. This collaboration follows a successful 2022 pilot program in 50 Spectrum stores, where Sensormatic’s shopper traffic and market intelligence data services played a pivotal role in optimizing operations and enhancing customer support.

Unlocking Insights for Improved Customer Experience: Pattie Eliason, Senior Vice President of Spectrum stores and retail for Charter, emphasized the significance of the pilot program, stating, “During the pilot program, we gathered insights into location-specific store traffic that helped us make meaningful changes to better serve customers.” Leveraging Sensormatic Solutions’ in-store traffic analytics, Charter aims to further elevate the overall customer experience by streamlining customer support through expert store specialists.

Tailoring Strategies with Location-Specific Data: The pilot program revealed significant variations in traffic trends among different Spectrum stores, opening up growth opportunities beyond traditional marketing efforts. Sensormatic Solutions not only provides real-time insights into in-store operations but also offers robust Market Intelligence tailored to specific industries. Charter can now assess its performance relative to other retailers in a category or local market, fostering a more customer-focused culture.

Empowering Real-Time Decision-Making: Sensormatic Solutions’ dashboard provides Charter with real-time performance, traffic, and account data, enabling in-the-moment sales coaching and optimization of labor allocation practices. This approach ensures that Spectrum stores can adapt swiftly to evolving customer needs and market dynamics.

Industry Recognition for Data-Driven Retail: Nick Pompa, Vice President and Product General Manager for Shopper Insights at Sensormatic Solutions, expressed pride in collaborating with innovative retailers like Charter. He highlighted the versatility of data analytics for businesses and the growing industry awareness of the power of data in retail spaces. This collaboration exemplifies how integrated insights based on location, region, and market-specific data are shaping the next generation of retail experiences.

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