Chunghwa Telecom formscross-border alliance with Singtel Integrating innovative 5G operations and services to align with the transnational request

Chunghwa Telecom’s innovative 5G network slicing services mark a new corner as it announces the signing of a contract with Singtel on December 4th. The collaboration aims to work Singtel’s Paragon platform strengths to produce an intertwined service platform for 5G network slicing and pall operations. This platform will enable guests to fleetly emplace their 5G slicing operations and access the necessary pall coffers. Looking ahead, Chunghwa Telecom plans to further align with the transnational request, uniting with Singtel and its global alliance mates to inclusively drive invention in 5G operations and services, continuing to lead Taiwan’s 5G assiduity.

The most advanced 5G network slicing technology KKBOX musicale with thousands of people and medical exigency corridor marketable case

Chunghwa Telecom is laboriously investing in the construction of 5G Standalone( SA) armature. 5G network slicing is one of the most advanced technologies in the 5G SA armature. It can cut out devoted channels from the 5G network and connect them to the network. It provides stable mobile communication transmission during peak hours and is especially suitable for large- scale 5G operations that bear guaranteed bandwidth. Compared with traditional 5G private network construction, the medication time for 5G network slicing is shorter, so it’s suitable for temporary or short- term requirements. Chunghwa Telecom lately used 5G network slicing technology to produce” 5G x AI- generated music and images” on the KKBOX map, creating the first interactive performance for thousands of people in a musicale; it also banded withSt. Paul’s Sanitarium to produce the first 5G network slicing service combined with exigency deliverance system to make Taiwan’s first” 5G exigency Deliverance Green Corridor” to ameliorate the effectiveness of exigency treatment.

The two powers join hands incross-border alliance to promote the rapid-fire popularization of 5G SA innovative operation services

Singapore Telecommunications Limited( Singtel) is Singapore’s largest mobile network driver. It has invested in 22 countries and regions around the world, covering Asia Pacific, the Middle East, Europe and the United States, and provides services to further than 770 million mobile guests.

Alex Chien, Senior Executive Vice President of Chunghwa Telecom, refocused out that, Chunghwa Telecom is fete to form an alliance with Singtel to concertedly make an innovative operation platform Paragon that integrates 5G and pall to meet client requirements and will promote 5G network slicing services. With added power, Chunghwa Telecom will give the loftiest quality, advanced and accessible services to Chunghwa Telecom’s guests. Chunghwa Telecom will also share in Singtel’s 5G SA alliance ecosystem, continuing to change experience in 5G innovative operations and services with telecom mates from each over the world, and work hard together to strengthen the 5G request and lead the way into the new 5G period.

Bill Chang, CEO of Singtel Digital InfraCo, mentioned” Singtelemphasizesgreat importanceof 5G use cases to enable assiduity metamorphosis in the global request and has establishedstrategic hookups in numerous countries. Singtel is gladtopartnerwith Chunghwa Telecom, Taiwan’s leading telecommunications company, to mutually expand the service openings of 5Gmonetizationregionally ”

Since Chunghwa Telecom took the lead in launching 5G in 2020, it has laboriously erected and promoted the development of 5G technology. Thiscross-border alliance with Singtel will come an important motorist in exploring new business openings in 5G forward- looking smart technology and driving the 5G innovative operation request to heat up.
【 Singtel 】

Singtel is Asia’s leading dispatches technology group, furnishing a portfolio of services from coming- generation communication, 5G and technology services to infotainment to both consumers and businesses. The Group has presence in Asia, Australia and Africa and reaches over 770 million mobile guests in 21 countries. Its structure and technology services for businesses gauge 21 countries, with further than 428 direct points of presence in 362 metropolises.

For consumers, Singtel delivers a complete and intertwined suite of services, including mobile, broadband and television. For businesses, Singtel offers a reciprocal array of pool mobility results, data hosting, pall, network structure, analytics and cyber security capabilities.

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