Chunghwa Telecom is honored by the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index asNo. 1 of the world- class telecommunication sustainability leaders, 12 ESG pointers achieved a perfect score of 100

S&P Dow Jones Indices and RobecoSAM blazoned moment that Chunghwa Telecom has been formerly again included in the Dow Jones Sustainability indicators( DJSI)- World Index 2023, ranking first among the estimated companies in the global telecommunications assiduity. Chunghwa Telecom has also been named to DJSI Emerging Market Index for a 12th successive time, proving its strong position as an transnational assiduity leader with outstanding performance in all aspects of ESG governance.

Creating a unique green sustainable business model with ESG as the core

DJSI is one of the encyclopedically famed ESG( Environmental, Social, and Governance) sustainability conditions. Chunghwa Telecom has formerly again been included into DJSI World Index and ranked as the top- rated company in the global telecommunications company. Regarding to its ESG 25 assessments, 12 pointers are achieved a perfect score of 100, including translucency reporting, business ethics, duty strategy, information security, invention operation, environmental governance programs, emigrations, resource effectiveness and circularity, mortal rights governance, occupational health and safety, sequestration protection, and stakeholder engagement. In all 100 evaluation questions, 67 of them have entered a perfect score of 100, the loftiest of the global telecommunications assiduity.

In terms of the environmental action, Chunghwa Telecom has been largely honored for its active participation in transnational associations, response to transnational enterprise on carbon reduction and biodiversity, precise perpetration of carbon reduction through ICT technology. In terms of social impact, the company continues to expand its positive influence and innovative systems to take care of its workers. In terms of commercial governance, the company commits to continuously ameliorate with integrity and translucency. Chunghwa Telecom has earned recognition in all aspects of ESG( Environmental, Social, and Governance) performance in this regard.

The Chairman Shui- Yi Kuo states that Chunghwa Telecom’s performance is successful alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals( SDGs). Chunghwa Telecom connects low- carbon terrain, social development, and commercial governance with its core ICT capabilities, rehearsing its four core values of integrity, client trust, invention, and responsibility. By using its core means and coffers in client hookups, technology platforms, structure networks, and high- quality bents, Chunghwa Telecom is erecting a trusted digital ecosystem that creates value for guests, strategic mates, shareholders, and workers.

Engaging in Forest Restoration and Afforestation

The Chairman Shui- Yi Kuo indicates that in response to the raising global environmental deterioration, Chunghwa Telecom laboriously integrates environmental issues into its business operations and operation. It’s committed to achieving a net positive impact on biodiversity and the thing of no net deforestation by 2030. The company continues to invest coffers in timber restoration, planning to plant 150,000 trees across Taiwan over eight times. It aims to apply the United Nations'”Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework” to achieve the corner of reversing biodiversity loss by 2030 and the vision of harmonious concurrence between humans and nature by 2050.

enforcing Internal Carbon Pricing as the First in the Assiduity

The President Ivan Lin points out that Chunghwa Telecom is a crucial member of the global renewable energy action RE100 and has been vindicated by the Science Grounded Targets action( SBTi) for its hothouse gas reduction targets. The company is committed to achieving IDC full relinquishment of renewable energy by 2030, 100 renewable energy operation by 2040 and comprehensive net- zero emigrations by 2050. It’s also the first in the assiduity to apply an internal carbon figure medium, laboriously promoting low- carbon operations. Chunghwa Telecom has introduced energy-effective outfit, optimized its mobile network armature, and enforced smart energy- saving measures, similar as shutting down hamstrung 3G base stations. Energy- saving and carbon reduction are also incorporated into periodic crucial performance pointers. In 2023, the company organized the initial” ESG herbage and Gold Factory for Suppliers,” leading its mates to align with ESG and transition towards sustainability and low- carbon practices.

introducing the perpetration of Childcare Working Hours and Establishing Education and Care Centers as ESG Leader in Taiwan

The Chairman Shui- Yi Kuo emphasizes that Chunghwa Telecom regards workers as important means and believes that the happiness and well- being of workers’ families are pivotal driving forces for the company’s sustainable development. thus, Chunghwa Telecom is committed to enforcing hand and family care, encouraging workers to balance work and family life.

For illustration, in 2022, Chunghwa Telecom launched the first- ever childcare reduced working hours system in Taiwan. workers with children under the age of 3 can apply to reduce their diurnal working hours by 1 hour( without payment deuction). This action entered enthusiastic responses from workers, and the company plans to expand its perpetration starting from 2024, allowing workers with children under the age of 6 to apply.

Starting from 2024, all workers will also admit a fixed payment increase and food allowances starting from July. At the same time, Chunghwa Telecom laboriously builds a different, inclusive, and friendly workplace terrain. It provides colorful hand benefits similar as trip subventions, holiday
allowances, sports exertion freights, civil lodges, as well as caring and weal programs for workers’ families. These include marriage and parturition subventions, childcare allowances for aged 0- 6, and education subventions depending on the educational position and stock trust prices. In 2024, a” stock trust price increase” retention program will be launched, furnishing multiple options. In addition to stock trust, workers can also choose weal savings trust plans.

The company has also established 9 plant- grounded childcare centers with 16 classes in the six major metropolises, furnishing care for children progressed 2 to 6, feeding to workers’ childcare needs. With parents working upstairs and children studying downward , they can go to work and academy hand in hand, furnishing convenience and peace of mind for both parents and children.

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