GrandPad Enhances Senior Well-Being with AT&T

GrandPad and AT&T are teaming up to tackle the challenges that many seniors face with traditional mobile devices, providing a solution that enhances connectivity and combats loneliness.

The collaboration between AT&T and GrandPad aims to alleviate the feelings of isolation among seniors by leveraging the AT&T IoT cellular network to provide seamless connectivity for features like video calls, emails, messages, and multi-party virtual care conferences. This connectivity, powered by LTE and web applications, ensures that seniors can stay connected with their loved ones and caregivers without relying on Wi-Fi.

Loneliness and social isolation among seniors can have serious implications for their health, including increased risks of heart disease, stroke, depression, anxiety, and suicide. However, technology like GrandPad can play a crucial role in mitigating these risks by facilitating easier communication and providing access to essential features such as medication reminders and wellness information.

Designed specifically for seniors aged 75 and above, GrandPad prioritizes usability, security, and connectivity, making it easier to integrate remote monitoring and telehealth into both professional and familial caregiving settings. Scott Lien, CEO and co-founder of GrandPad, emphasizes the importance of seniors feeling connected and supported by their loved ones in today’s digital age.

Joe Drygas, vice president of Government, Education, and Medical at AT&T, highlights GrandPad as more than just a tablet, describing it as a lifeline for seniors who often feel isolated. With its user-friendly interface, tailored features, and AT&T IoT connectivity, GrandPad empowers seniors to effortlessly bridge the generation gap and enhance their overall well-being by staying connected with their families.

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