Pride of Taiwan: Chunghwa Telecom Tops Asia Pacific Telecoms, Ranks Top 2% in TIME’s 2024 Most Sustainable Companies

Chunghwa Telecom has once again attained global recognition for its outstanding sustainability achievements. TIME Magazine recently unveiled its “World’s Most Sustainable Companies of 2024” list, where Chunghwa Telecom emerged as a standout among 5,200 evaluated companies worldwide. Securing a prestigious position on this list affirms Chunghwa Telecom’s exceptional performance, placing it in the top 2% globally and as the leading sustainable telecommunications company in the Asia Pacific region.

The selection process for TIME Magazine’s accolade involves rigorous scrutiny across more than 20 key criteria, including sustainability reporting quality, gender diversity, work safety, and net zero emissions measures. This recognition underscores Chunghwa Telecom’s commitment to integrating sustainability into its core strategies, aligning with international standards and government policies.

Chairman Shui-Yi Kuo expressed pride in this accolade, highlighting it as a testament to every employee’s dedication to advancing sustainability. Chunghwa Telecom’s approach emphasizes “green and low-carbon, digital empowerment, integrity, and transparency,” driving initiatives that foster environmental, social, and economic sustainability locally and globally.

Beyond this recent honor, Chunghwa Telecom has consistently excelled in sustainability, achieving notable milestones such as the highest TCFD rating in the telecom sector for three consecutive years and top rankings in sustainability indexes like Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes and S&P Global sustainability yearbook.

Looking ahead, Chunghwa Telecom remains steadfast in its commitment to sustainable development, aiming to set international benchmarks while ensuring mutual prosperity for its stakeholders and the environment.

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