Vanta Unveils New Products to Secure and Accelerate an AI- Powered unborn

Vanta, the leading trust operation platform, moment blazoned a number of new and forthcoming product launches enabling guests to accelerate invention and strengthen security. The new immolations include advanced Reporting to help security professionals measure the success of their security program and report the impact to crucial stakeholders; customization and enterprise readiness features for ultramodern GRC leaders; and new Vanta AI capabilities including policy generation and automatic mapping across pitfalls, controls, tests and fabrics.

Debuting at VantaCon, Vanta’s periodic stoner conference in San Francisco, the adverts
coincide with a number of corner achievements for the company in 2023

Serving over 6,000 leading companies and monitoring over 30 million coffers, from laptops to waiters to workers
Launching over 220 new product features this time, including Vanta AI, Vendor Risk Management, and Vanta Trust Center
Crossing 300 integrations across the most essential tools in a company’s tech mound
Expanding encyclopedically in EMEA and APAC with nearly 1 in 4 guests now headquartered outside of theU.S.
Deepening Vanta’s superintendent bench of leaders with the addition of Chief Financial Officer and Chief Product Officer
“ At last time’s VantaCon we participated our vision for evolving Vanta to serve the requirements of larger, more complex businesses by moving from an automated compliance tool to an end- to- end trust operation platform, ” said Christina Cacioppo, CEO, Vanta. “ With moment’s adverts
, we ’re showcasing how far we ’ve formerly come in that trip. Vanta’s Trust Management Platform turns security and compliance into strategic means to grow your business, sustain and consolidate connections with guests and mates, and realize lesser edge from your security and engineering brigades. bolstering the power of our Trust Management Platform is Vanta AI, using the rearmost in AI and LLMs to manage a security program with lower work and further confidence. ”

Unifying Security Program Management with Advanced Reporting

According to Vanta’s State of Trust check of 2,500 global security and IT leaders, the two biggest walls to proving and demonstrating security are a lack of staffing and minimum robotization to replace homemade work. With an exploding quantum of data – and attack shells – to contend with, associations need a unified view of their security program to prioritize the right effects, track progress towards pretensions and influence stakeholders with quantifiable impact perceptivity.

Vanta’s enhanced Reporting facilitates program operation and perceptivity across threat operation, workspaces and administrative stakeholders including

Risk Management Dashboards From surfacing crucial criteria – like threat heat chart and top threat orders – to furnishing visibility into areas with high threat attention, Vanta keeps track of platoon progress, nudges possessors to complete their tasks and provides the visibility to identify gaps before they come critical.
Workspaces Dashboards For leaders managing multiple business units, the Workspaces Dashboard identifies the corridor of an association that bear attention and assign power to the right platoon members.
Administrative Reports Provides a complete program overview for operation stakeholders – all on one slide.
Vanta’s new Report Center serves as a unified destination to configure and partake dashboards, while driving smarter business opinions with AI- powered perceptivity, similar as suggested controls grounded on threat data.

Customization and Enterprise Readiness

To more meet the requirements of ultramodern GRC and security leaders, Vanta is advancing how it addresses their core conditions including customization and enterprise readiness. Over the coming weeks, Vanta will roll out new ways for guests to customize tests within the Vanta platform including

Modifying Vanta- created tests by customizing parameters, similar as conforming the dereliction retention time on a test to meet internal company commitments.
Creating new tests for companies with unique internal inspection commitments or with largely assiduity- or region-specific controls.
In addition to enhanced customization and inflexibility, Vanta is farther meeting the enterprise-ready conditions of gauged guests with part Grounded Access Controls. Featuring five erected- in places similar as View-only director and Deals director, guests taking indeed more inflexibility can produce an unlimited number of custom places.

The Future of Trust in an AI World

Introduced in October, Vanta AI offers AI- powered seller security reviews, generative questionnaire responses and intelligent control mapping, to significantly reduce the primer, repetitious tasks hampering security brigades. To further work the transformative eventuality of AI, Vanta AI is expanding with intelligent policy generation and easier test remediation. In addition, the Vanta Trust Center experience is being supercharged with the capability to transfigure stationary information and documents into conversational, dynamic content.

Helping global guests emplace AI safely and responsibly, Vanta blazoned added support for NIST AI Risk Management Framework, all within the Vanta platform. NIST AI Risk Management Framework is a structured guideline developed by NIST aimed at mollifying pitfalls associated with the design, development, use, and evaluation of AI products, services, and systems.

With support for NIST AI Risk Management Framework, Vanta will enable leading companies to continue pushing invention boundaries while growing trust.

“ With the adding frequence of cyberattacks, a widening trouble geography, and the proliferation of new regulations, the threat of resistance has escalated significantly. AI- enabled threat and compliance has surfaced as an necessary supporter to help associations conduct real- time monitoring, proactively alleviate pitfalls and vulnerabilities and enhance resource effectiveness, ” said Amy Cravens, Research Manager, GRC and ESG operation and Reporting Technologies, IDC. “ Embracing AI for compliance and security use cases provides associations with a strategic advantage, and IDC predicts that by 2026, 40 of associations will use AI- enabled threat and compliance results to continuously cover data to prognosticate resistance internally and from third parties. ”

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