Range and Silknet Partner to Boost Digital Services in Georgia

Orange and Silknet, Georgia’s leading provider in fixed and mobile networks, have officially launched a strategic partnership as part of the Orange Alliance program, effective June 3, 2024. This collaboration aims to strengthen Silknet’s offerings across B2C, B2B, and ICT sectors by leveraging Orange’s extensive expertise and innovative solutions.

Under the Orange Alliance program, which fosters partnerships between Orange and telecommunications operators outside its direct operational footprint, Silknet stands to gain significantly:

  1. Expertise and Know-How: Silknet will tap into Orange’s deep reservoir of telecom and ICT sector knowledge, honed through decades of global leadership and innovation.
  2. B2B ICT Services: Initially focusing on enhancing B2B ICT services, this alliance seeks to propel Georgia’s digital transformation forward.
  3. Innovative Solutions and Platforms: Orange, renowned for its leadership in domestic markets, will provide robust support to Silknet, including access to its advanced B2C products and cutting-edge platforms.

Looking ahead, Silknet and Orange are committed to expanding their partnership, exploring new avenues for cooperation, and integrating operations to better serve customers amidst evolving digital challenges. This alliance represents a significant milestone in Silknet’s journey, empowered by Orange’s global capabilities and commitment to excellence.

George Ramishvili, Chairman of Silknet’s Supervisory Board, expressed optimism about the partnership’s potential: “Silknet’s decade-long collaboration with Orange has now evolved into a strategic partnership, marking a new era in our digital ecosystem. We look forward to introducing cutting-edge innovations to Georgia and regional telecom markets.”

Bruno Zerbib, Executive Vice President and Chief Technology and Innovation Officer of Orange, affirmed Orange’s commitment: “Orange is thrilled to strengthen our partnership with Silknet through the Orange Alliance program. By leveraging Orange’s expertise, products, and platforms, we aim to create substantial value for Silknet in the Georgian market. Scaling platforms and fostering openness to partners are pivotal to our innovation strategy, and we are eager to advance with Silknet to ensure the success of this partnership.”

This strategic alliance not only enhances Silknet’s capabilities but also underscores Orange’s role in driving digital transformation across Georgia.

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