Singtel Teams with Cisco, Fortinet, and Nokia for Quantum-Safe Solutions

Singtel has entered into three Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) with industry giants Cisco, Fortinet, and Nokia, marking a significant stride towards enhancing quantum security solutions for enterprises through its Quantum Safe Network (QSN). This collaboration equips enterprises with the capability to leverage Cisco’s routing platform, Fortinet’s firewalls, and Nokia’s optical devices, fortifying their defenses against sophisticated cyber threats. These solutions harness quantum key distribution, a secure method for distributing encryption keys exclusively known between shared parties, facilitated by Singtel’s QSN, seamlessly integrable into existing network and security infrastructures of enterprises.

These strategic partnerships come on the heels of Singtel’s appointment by the Infocomm Media Development Authority last year to spearhead the development of Singapore’s inaugural nationwide QSN by mid-2024, in tandem with global quantum cybersecurity leader, ID Quantique. This national initiative aims to bolster Singapore’s resilience against quantum threats over the next decade. Mr. Lim Seng Kong, Managing Director of Enterprise at Singtel Singapore, underscored the collaborative effort required among telcos, IT, and technology leaders in constructing a nationwide QSN. He emphasized the significance of assembling global leaders in their respective domains to enhance the ecosystem of quantum-safe solutions, enabling enterprises to optimize investments, address complex challenges, innovate, and scale effortlessly amidst evolving cyber threats.

Ms. Tay Bee Kheng, President of Cisco ASEAN, stressed the pivotal role of secure connectivity in contemporary digitalization endeavors. She highlighted the imperative for businesses to innovate with the latest secure connectivity frameworks to outpace malicious actors, expressing Cisco’s eagerness to collaborate with Singtel and its partner ecosystem to propel the next-generation of quantum-safe connectivity.

Mr. Vishak Raman, Vice President of Sales for India, SEA & ANZ at Fortinet, emphasized the proactive stance required to address cybersecurity challenges posed by quantum computing advancements. He affirmed Fortinet’s commitment to delivering innovative and quantum-safe solutions, lauding the collaboration with Singtel as a significant stride towards securing the digital economy in the quantum era.

Mr. Vito Di Maria, Vice President of Optical Networks, Asia Pacific Business Centre at Nokia, highlighted Nokia’s delight in participating in this strategic collaboration to develop quantum-safe solutions for enterprises. He showcased Nokia’s 1830 Photonic Service Switch as a cornerstone for secure networks, equipped with quantum-safe encryption capabilities to fortify businesses against emerging cyber threats across various network domains.

Singtel’s Quantum-Safe Network forms an integral component of its domestic network offerings, engineered to safeguard business-critical data and provide enhanced security and flexibility as a managed service. Singtel also collaborates with government agencies such as HTX (Home Team Science and Technology Agency) to develop and test quantum-safe network use cases, underpinning its commitment to advancing cybersecurity resilience. For further details, interested parties can explore Singtel Quantum-Safe Network.

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