SK Telecom Certified in AI Management Standard

SK Telecom (NYSE: SKM, “SKT”) has proudly announced its reception of the ISO/IEC 42001 certification, marking a significant milestone in the realm of AI management systems.

Developed collaboratively by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), the ISO/IEC 42001 standard serves as a guiding light for businesses and organizations, ensuring the ethical and responsible utilization of AI technologies. This certification provides a structured framework for the development and deployment of AI systems within an AI assurance ecosystem.

The certification process involves a comprehensive evaluation of the organization’s AI management systems. It scrutinizes various facets including AI policy, risk handling and assessment, impact assessment, ethics compliance, regulatory response, and transparency in AI management processes.

SKT’s attainment of the ISO/IEC 42001 certification underscores its commitment to effective AI risk management grounded in reliability and stability. This international recognition solidifies SKT’s dedication to ethical AI practices.

In January 2024, SKT integrated AI governance into its corporate framework to foster sustainable value creation through ethical AI utilization and transparent decision-making processes. Establishing a dedicated AI governance organization, led by its Chief Governance Officer, was a pivotal step in this direction. This entity focuses on constructing robust AI governance processes while fostering synergies with other departments within the company.

In March, SKT unveiled its AI governance principle, dubbed “T.H.E. AI” – an acronym representing “by Telco, for Humanity, with Ethics AI.” This principle forms the bedrock of SKT’s decision-making system, positioning it as a global AI leader rooted in telecommunications.

Jung Jai-hun, Chief Governance Officer of SKT, expressed optimism about the certification, highlighting its potential to bolster SKT’s reputation as a trustworthy and safety-conscious AI company. This achievement further cements SKT’s commitment to fostering transparent and ethical AI practices while nurturing trust among stakeholders.

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