Further data, better payphones, lower stress how we ’re supporting you this disaster season

We know better than anyone that connectivity during disasters is critical. We’ve been investing in our networks to make them more flexible, as well as coming up with new ways to get people connected if damage to our network occurs.
Testing exigency roving
In an Australian first, we will test the capability for people to use any available mobile network during natural disasters, if their own provider’s network has been impacted or does not have content.

With the number and inflexibility of natural disasters adding , assiduity and government have been agitating the specialized and marketable hurdles that will need to be overcome before exigency roving can be introduced.

To help guide that discussion we ’ll shortly be conducting a simulation within our own network as a first step to demonstrate it’s possible.

We’ll continue to engage with other network providers and Government on exigency roving, including how it’ll operate and be funded, as well as the timing for roll- eschewal.

Giving you more data automatically in a extremity

We ’ve always been there supporting Australians during fires, cataracts, cyclones and other extreme events. This time, we ’re stepping up our planning and response to help our guests keep in touch with loved bones
during a natural disaster.
Testing exigency roving
In an Australian first, we will test the capability for people to use any available mobile network during natural disasters, if their own provider’s network has been impacted or does not have content.

With the number and inflexibility of natural disasters adding , assiduity and government have been agitating the specialized and marketable hurdles that will need to be overcome before exigency roving can be introduced.

To help guide that discussion we ’ll shortly be conducting a simulation within our own network as a first step to demonstrate it’s possible.

We’ll continue to engage with other network providers and Government on exigency roving, including how it’ll operate and be funded, as well as the timing for roll- eschewal.

Giving you more data automatically in a extremity

When disaster strikes there can be a lot to suppose about and a long list of people to communicate . Between letting family members know you ’re ok, to calling neighbours in the area and indeed the insurers, we want to take one lower worry down.

This time, guests on our yearly mobile plans will automatically admit 100 GB of redundant data on their service if you ’re in an affected area. As long as your mobile service is registered to an area where disaster backing is available, you ’ll admit a textbook communication informing you that you ’ll be set up with the redundant data for use in Australia within 30 days.

preliminarily, you ’d have to telephone us to get the redundant data actuated on your account. Now, we ’re adding it to your account automatically, so you have the data you need to get effects done during a delicate time.

Tara shares the surge of relief she felt when a communication came through from her friend Rachel, who was cut off during the Northern Queensland cataracts.

A many times agone
, we made our payphones free for anyone who demanded them. also we went a step further and switched on free Wi- Fi at some payphones. When bushfires rolled across the beachfronts of Australia, we knew how important they were, as lines formed in affected municipalities of people wanting to let their families and musketeers know they were ok.

Now, we ’re working to upgrade 1000 payphones in disaster-prone areas around Australia to help keep you connected during a disaster. This includes upgrades for 70 remote Indigenous communities.

The upgrades give technology like USB charging for your bias and free Wi- Fi connectivity( to those that do n’t formerly have it) so you can get online, as well as provisory power.

We’ve formerly started these upgrades, and we ’re working toward having all 1000 payphones upgraded bymid-2025.

Our Telstra Response Team

When disaster strikes, our people are frequently the first on the ground, working around the timepiece to restore the network, reconnect our guests and help communities impacted as snappily as possible.

Original client service brigades also set up in the area to give guests with recharge services, loan bias and to give exigency connectivity services.

That’s on top of the creators, temporary structure, and disaster recovery experts we emplace to help keep you connected to Australia’s largest mobile network

New tech to keep you connected

While our network and other structure like electricity can be affected during a natural disaster, we continually work to find better, briskly ways to reconnect affected communities.

This time we’ve been trialling movable satellite connectivity via the low- Earth route satellite product handed via Starlink.
What’s great about these accoutrements is that they’re easy to assemble, helping to give introductory connectivity indeed if both fixed line and mobile connections are down in a disaster area.

This season, they may be stationed to precedence locales similar as evacuation centres or city centres, particularly around original supermarkets and essential services so they can still operate and accept payments indeed if their original structure is down.

The Response platoon will also have access to 110 new caravan- mounted, high- powered creators thanks toco-invsetment with the Commonwealth Government. These new creators can be rolled out anywhere across the country, including in crucial indigenous areas, and they condense the stock we formerly have to keep power flowing to halls and exchanges in the event of a disaster.

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