Chunghwa Telecom Won Multiple Accolades from Frost & Sullivan

A encyclopedically famed exploration and consulting establishment, blazoned the winners of “ 2023 Frost & Sullivan Best Practices Awards ” in a form held in Kuala Lumpur. Chunghwa TelecomCo.,Ltd.( “ Chunghwa ” or “ the Company ”) just brought home three awards “ Taiwan Telecoms Company of the Time Award, ” “ Taiwanese 5G Services client Value Leadership Award ” and “ Taiwan Data Center Services Company of the Time Award. ” This is the alternate time that the Company entered these reflective awards from Frost & Sullivan, feting the outstanding business performance, exceptional Internet and 5G service, comprehensive IDC and pall service offered by Chunghwa Telecom, now a winner of transnational awards that stands out in Taiwan’s telecom assiduity.

Frost & Sullivan Best Practices Awards elect their winners by assessing companies with visionary creativity, operation performance and client value. Yu- Shen Chen, CFO of Chunghwa Telecom, participated in the form, “ it’s our great honor to admit similar recognition again from Frost & Sullivan. Chunghwa Telecom is the largest integrated telecoms service provider in Taiwan. We aim to set up stylish practices for peers in the assiduity around the world. Chunghwa Telecom makes the stylish use of its four advantages client and mate asset, technology platform asset, structure asset and gift asset with client- centric approach,cross-functional collaboration, and artificial alliances strategies. In addition, we believe 5G is a game changer that will accelerate digital metamorphosis and artificial elevation. As a result, we continue to develop new technologies and innovative 5G- grounded operations that enable diligence with different practices, integrate comprehensive ICT coffers, and give guests ’ invention and value creation with dependable and each-round telecom services. In the future, we will continue to strengthen its client- centric value creation and strive to be a commanding brand among the digital ecosystem enablers. ”

According to Frost & Sullivan report, the reason why Chunghwa Telecom can maintain its request leadership albeit the grueling terrain in the telecom assiduity is because it has successfully executed client- centric business strategy and understood the need of implicit guests. In addition, Chunghwa Telecom possesses first- rate ICT bents and the exacting station toward its service quality and value creation, and thus has been named of Taiwan Telecoms Company of the Time Award for three successive times. Frost & Sullivan critic agreed that Chunghwa Telecom has erected the most expansive content of fixed line and pall resource structure, IDC and the slice- edge ICT fashion exploration. In terms of 5G service, Chunghwa Telecom not only provides the stylish Internet quality to guests but devotes itself to developing 5G perpendicular operation results for enterprises to fulfill their requirements in thepost-pandemic period. With overall emotional 5G performance, the Company is a true winner of Taiwanese 5G Services client Value Leadership Award for two successive times. As to IDC service, Chunghwa Telecom, being the largest IDC service provider in Taiwan, holds the strongest fashion advantages and stylish- in- class IDC, and thus has been the winner of Taiwan Data Center Services Company of the Time Award for six successive times.

Chunghwa Telecom owns the mainstream sub 6 GHz diapason, which is completely devoted to furnishing the fastest mobile speed. In addition, Chunghwa has the most mobile base stations nationwide, as it’s known for the largest mobile capacity and the widest content in Taiwan. On top of that, Chunghwa Telecom offers an exclusive 5G Binary CA(3.5 GHz2.1 GHz) Carrier Aggregation, making it the only telecom service provider with theoretical peak 5G download rates exceeding 2 Gbps. With implicit capabilities to develop potent bandwidths similar as 28 GHz, The Company looks forward to unborn application in 5G and earth route satellite services. Digging 5G technologies with AI, big data, pall service, IoT, information security, blockchain and AR/ VR, Chunghwa Telecom has developed colorful innovative operations and 5G vertically integrated results, offering the stylish service experience to guests.

Chen continued to point out that services and products from Chunghwa Telecom are grounded on guests ’ trustability and the sustainability development. Take IDC for illustration, numerous times agone
, Chunghwa Telecom erected Taiwan’s first league 4 data center in Banqiao to win guests over through more effective and dependable services. In addition, with advanced energy- saving and cooling ways erected by energy-effective installations, guests can make use of the one- stop integrated IDC services at the Company without renting fresh space or fussing about outfit conservation nor IT security; meanwhile, the Company offers smart energy- saving system, energy data operation and supervision results to minimize carbon emigration and achieve the low- carbon metamorphosis for green communication. Chen concluded that Chunghwa Telecom upholds the value of internalized reflections and participated benefits and is looking forward to reaching net- zero emigration thing before 2050.

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