SoftBankCorp. completes civil expansionof all optic network in core areas in Japan usingFujitsu’s disaggregation- type optic transmission system

Fujitsu and SoftBankCorp.( “ SoftBank ”) moment blazoned that SoftBank on October 26 completed the civil deployment in core areas of an all optic network in Japan using a disaggregated armature * 1 optic transmission system that supports open networks, including Fujitsu’s coming- generation optic transmission platform “ 1 FINITY Ultra Optical System T900 ”( hereinafter 1FINITY T900). Through this action, Fujitsu and SoftBank aim to contribute to the consummation of greener networks by erecting communication structure with a lower environmental impact.

The all optic network uses optic technology in all areas of the dispatches network. using Fujitsu’s coming- generation optic transmission system, the new network realizes a reduction of power consumption of over to 90 compared to former networks * 2 by connecting to outfit compatible with all optic technology and applying liquid cooling technology. Connected to conventional outfit, the rearmost photoelectric conversion technology reduces power consumption by about 50 compared to conventional outfit * 2. In this way, the sustainable network enables high energy effectiveness in any connection terrain.

Using a brace of optic filaments, Fujitsu and SoftBank further bettered communication performance, achieving high capacity and high- speed transmission of over to48.8 Tbps( roughly doubly as high as that of conventional * 2 networks).

With the preface of the new optic transmission system, SoftBank aims to make a network that achieves carbon impartiality while meeting the ever- adding demand for data communication in expectation of unborn networks grounded on Beyond 5G/ 6G technology.

Moving forward, Fujitsu and SoftBank will use commanding- edge technologies to contribute to the result of societal problems and contribute to the consummation of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals( SDGs).

crucial Features of the optic transmission system introduced by SoftBank

  1. Confluence of all optic and IP networks
    SoftBank’s IP router is equipped with a long- distance coherent * 3 optic transceiver( DCO), which is connected using Fujitsu’s recently developed 1FINITY L211 to meet SoftBank’s conditions. This enables all optic connection without any photoelectric conversion within the optic transmission system. As a result, power consumption has been reduced by over to 90. In addition, the two mates have realized a flexible network by exercising IP network technologies including SoftBank’s SRv6( Member Routing IPv6), addressing scale of routing( scalability), a task in general all optic network.
  2. preface of unrestricted- circle liquid cooling technology
    Fujitsu’s 1FINITY T900 is the first system in the world * 4 to use liquid cooling technology in an optic transmission system to significantly ameliorate environmental performance indeed when connecting to being bias that are delicate to connect to all optic network bias. As a result, the system realizes cooling effectiveness that’s two times advanced than that of conventional air cooling technology. By installing 12 ultramodern coherent bias in a 2RU( rack unit) size quadrangle, the system can accommodate 36 400GbE. The storehouse viscosity is four times advanced and power consumption is reduced by roughly 50 compared to conventional outfit used by SoftBank. In addition, the unrestricted- circle liquid cooling technology, which accommodates all cooling structures in the outfit, eliminates the need for installation variations and provides a largely dependable, conservation-free system with an anticipated continuance of 20 times.
  3. Disaggregation C L ROADM armature
    With respect to the wavelength range used for transmission, products were conventionally divided in C- band, L- band and wavelength band. Fujitsu’s new system can handle both wavelength bands at formerly, and band per brace of optic filaments has been expanded to about doubly that of conventional outfit * 2. In addition, the disaggregation C L ROADM armature enables system upgrades as demanded, and the L- band can be added latterly after opening only the C- band, enabling flexible outfit configurations to meet the demands of communication business. It provides a flexible network with low power consumption and investment effectiveness without taking redundant outfit.

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