Revise Care and CU inventions Advertise Bill donation at the American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting and Exposition

Reimagine Care, the nation’s leading provider of virtual and in-home cancer care, along with CU inventions at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus( CU), a leading exploration institution committed to fostering invention and excellence in education and healthcare, are proud to advertise a bill donation at the prestigious 2023 American Society of Hematology( ASH) Annual Meeting and Exposition.
The periodic meeting serves as a premier platform for the exchange of groundbreaking exploration and advancements in the field of hematology, bringing together healthcare professionals, experimenters, and assiduity leaders from around the world. This time, Reimagine Care and CU are thrilled to be among the contributors, presenting their forward-looking approach to oncology care.

The bill donation at the ASH Annual Meeting provides an in- depth overview of results of the innovative study named, “ Design of a Case- Centered Approach to Manage Bone Gist Transplant Cases and Auto- T Cell remedy in a Home Setting. ” Over half of cancer cases, especially bone gist transplant cases, who admit cytotoxic chemotherapy and/ or immunotherapies experience dangerous side goods. Beforehand intervention and treatment are crucial in perfecting issues but detainments from tone- assessments may hamper follow- up care. The CU exploration platoon examined a new inpatient care approach for these cases, with Reimagine Care furnishing remote case monitoring( RPM) and symptom operation through digital health technologies intended to overcome these challenges.

Reimagine Care’s Virtual Care Center, comprised of oncology clinicians, responded to cautions from cases ’ wearable bias, covered patient dispatches through an interactive converse system, communicated cases, recorded symptoms, and appertained cases for follow- up with their CU care providers as demanded. Cases were asked through checks and interviews about their gests in the study. Of note, all responding cases reported that the RPM made them feel more watched for by their health care platoon and set up the RPM device easy to use. Technology- supported remote case monitoring was set up to be doable and respectable for use with bone gist transplant and Auto- T cell remedy cases at home. Revise Care’s program comes at a time of evolving requirements and preferences for cases with cancer, who are decreasingly seeking a more accessible treatment experience and real- time communication with their care platoon.

Pallav Mehta,M.D., Medical Director for Reimagine Care, shares, “ Having the results of our collaboration with CU presented at ASH further validates Reimagine Care’s Cancer Care at Home program and the positive impact remote case monitoring and our Virtual Care Center has on specifically bone gist transplant and Auto T- cell remedy cases. It’s an honor to serve CU cases with timely support to identify and manage symptoms in a visionary manner. This case- centric collaboration exemplifies the power of invention and commitment to advancing results in healthcare. ”

Glen Peterson, DNP and top investigator for the study shares, “ We were agitated to unite with Reimagine Care for our Oncology Care at Home feasibility study. They served as a suitable mate for the remote case monitoring and triage support we were looking for, and were laboriously engaged in chancing ways to make this kind of care more and more respectable to cases. Their flawless integration of virtual care allowed Bone Gist Transplant and Auto T- Cell remedy actors to fluently connect with oncology clinicians from the comfort of their home. Virtual care and remote case monitoring is the future of healthcare – where cases can laboriously share in their well- being with the support of slice- edge technology combined with care from devoted healthcare professionals. ” He continues, “ We’ve learned precious effects from this work, and eagerly anticipate the coming way in using a program like this to continue perfecting care for cancer cases. ”

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