Telecom closes 2023 with further conduct for the community and the preservation of the terrain

Telecom closes its sustainable operation of the time with multiple achievements in the elaboration of its ESG strategy and enterprise that strengthened its social and environmental commitment.

In terms of investment in the community, it reached further than 10 thousand people with its different free training programs in digital tools. The company continues to promote operation that promotes the development of communities and encourages digital addition, promoting access to digital chops and capabilities that are decreasingly necessary to grow as individualities and as a society.

The offer included the expansion of the free training program in programming and digital trades,digit@lers, in which further than 800 youthful people from each over the country completed the literacy offer of between 4 and 6 months of technology training that sought to encourage digital vocation, with a view to generating lesser employability in the sector.

A aggregate of 30 courses were held with further than 3,500 hours of content, in addition to two motivational addresses with leading Telecom experts who participated their experience and career. The offer attained further than 21,500 aspirants, demonstrating the great interest of society in training in these motifs, who’ll be suitable to apply again for unborn editions.

This action is rounded by the Chicasdigit@lers training program, simply for youthful women aged 13 to 17, which this time had around 650 scholars. Chicasdigit@lers seeks to transmit enthusiasm for technology to adolescent women to inspire them to suppose about their professional future in technology- acquainted careers, therefore contributing to the reduction of the gender gap in the digital world.

This time, 18 shops were held in aggregate, fifteen at the public position and three in collaboration with governments in the businesses of Entre Ríos, Salta and Tierra del Fuego, in order to reach further and further girls and adolescents from different corners of the country.. In addition, two Vocational Guidance shops and one Financial Education factory were held with expert brigades from Telecom and Personal Pay, the company’s virtual portmanteau.

In parallel, through the Nuestro Lugar program, Telecom offered different free conditioning and shops that promote the responsible, safe and creative use of technology for boys, girls, adolescents, families and preceptors.

58 shops on cybercitizenship and introductory programming sundries were held in which further than 2,000 boys and girls shared. Four webinars were also held to learn programming and digital chops, where further than 670 families joined.

For preceptors, 45 shops were held on tools and methodologies to incorporate the use of digital technologies pedagogically in the classroom. In total, 4,500 preceptors at all educational situations were trained, with one public call and 12 original calls in alliance with different external and parochial governments.

On the other hand, within the frame of its commercial levy program Conectamundos, this time Telecom proceeded the Manotón, a series of marathons for assembling prostheses made with 3D printers together with entrepreneur Gino Tubaro. In 2023, five days were held in three businesses, where further than 200 collaborators who donated assembled prosthetic hands or arms to deliver free of charge to further than 40 people who demanded them.

Also, for the fourth successive time, the company presented Potenciá una ONG, an action in which collaborators nominated further than 140 NGOs that contribute to the social metamorphosis of the community so that they admit financial recognition to finance their systems. Three associations were chosen as winners, through a vote of collaborators Pan del Alma, devoted to the construction of seminaries in pastoral areas; mothers who help, an NGO that accompanies families with babies born in vulnerable situations in Mar del Plata; and Mundo piecemeal, recovery and recuperation of different species of risked fauna in Santa Fe.

Regarding the environmental strategy, one of the central axes of the commitment to sustainability, Telecom has a policy grounded on colorful lines of action with the purpose of incorporating a sustainable vision into the business. In addition to the Integrated Annual Report that consolidates the profitable, social and environmental performance of the company with fiscal information, Telecom launched its first Climate Report this time, where it detailed in a comprehensive document its climate strategy, its carbon footmark with its three reaches. and the reduction pretensions set so far, its renewable energy accession plan, climate pitfalls and openings, as well as the mitigation conduct enforced.

Among the different enterprise that Telecom carries out to promote a further sustainable world, the tree planting days stand out, where 140 levies planted 300 trees in the San Miguel Natural Reserve, in the fiefdom of Buenos Aires, and in a natural corridor in the new civic branch of Santa Catalina, in Corrientes, adding to the nearly 7,000 trees planted in 2022.

One of the main mileposts of the company’s sustainable operation during 2023 was the launch of the first batch of sustainable, carbon-neutral SIM cards made from 100 recycled accoutrements for particular mobile bias. This corner made Telecom the first telecommunications company in Argentina to evolve towards further sustainable practices regarding mobile line chips, with 14 million SIM cards per time that will be replaced by this new sustainable interpretation. This action is in line with the company’s indirect frugality strategy and contains the different axes of work for its operation, suppliers and guests.

Telecom is a leader in a pillar assiduity for the social and profitable development of the country. Through its sustainability and ESG strategy, it’ll continue to play an active part in the community with programs where technology is a tool for social addition and education, in addition to promoting the value of diversity and generating positive conduct that reduce the impact of its operations on the terrain.

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