In Rosario, Telecom renewed its commitment to offering the stylish experience in digital connectivity, entertainment and electronic portmanteau services, through its Personal, Flow and Personal Pay brands.
Grounded on a consolidated investment of further thanUS$ 16 million between 2020 and 2023, Telecom mainly bettered the content and quality of its services, which is reflected in an outstanding client experience with the ecosystem of digital services offered by the company..
Telecom’s advertisement was made within the frame of a visit by Pablo Casey, Director of Legal and Institutional Affairs, to the mayor of the megacity of Rosario Pablo Javkin, and reinforces the active presence and applicability of Telecom in the megacity, along with the enhancement in the experience of its ecosystem of services.
This solid investment plan reinforces the company’s intention. In the words of Pablo Casey, “ Rosario is a strategic megacity and we’ve made a great trouble to offer an intertwined digital platform, with slice- edge technology, laying fiber to the home in numerous neighborhoods of Rosario. This technology offers veritably high speed and has further capacity, which is what our guests need to use services in decreasingly digital surroundings. And not only that, Rosario is the forefront of our mobile ecosystem, we’re promoting the 4G structure, and veritably soon guests will be suitable to witness the advantages offered by the fifth mobile generation( 5G). “ We want Rosario residers to have the stylish experience when interacting with all our services. ”
For his part, Mayor Pablo Javkin refocused out “ the significance of this investment that, in addition to contributing to better communication for the megacity’s residers, is veritably important for the product, invention and knowledge sectors that moment” They’re in our megacity and those who want to come to invest then, given how abecedarian connectivity is for the entire productive sector in these times.”
The investments blazoned in Rosario include the complete modernization of the megacity’s structure
Laying of FTTH, a technology that brings fiber optics closer to homes, expanding internet capacity in 2,170 blocks of Rosario, so that further than 30,000 homes can have pets of over to 1,000 Megabytes, harmony and low quiescence, essential for studying, work, play or entertain yourself.
Reconversion of specialized- marketable service systems to offer an outstanding experience in client connections with the company.
Advancements in content and capacity of 4G and 4G networks, which enhance the use of mobile internet.
In addition, Rosario is the megacity chosen to accelerate the deployment of the fifth generation( 5G) network with3.5 GH devoted diapason lately acquired by Telecom. The structure renewal plan includes further than 30 particular 5G antennas, which are being installed in central areas of the megacity, where ferocious use of connectivity and suitable bias is concentrated.
Fiber optics to the home in Rosario
As part of the elaboration to the connected home, Telecom is planting fiber optics directly to the home, furnishing a new experience of connectivity and data transmission in domestic neighborhoods with the help of Personal.
Rosario moment has one of the largest fiber optical systems to the home in the entire country. This deployment, which began in 2020, presently hasultra-broadband connectivity available for further than 30,000 homes, in the neighborhoods of La Cerámica, Triangulo, Barrio Rucci, Barrio Belgrano, 7 de Setiembre, including accompanying the growth of the megacity. as is the case of Zona Cero and its Fontanarrosa and Villa Olímpica neighborhoods.
The technology known as FTTH( Fiber to the Home) offers lesser bandwidth, which allows reaching veritably high browsing pets to enjoy multimedia services similar as videotape streaming and TV in HD and 4K UHD( ultra high description) on different bias and TVs contemporaneously.
These deployments also allow access to FLOW in all its modalities, including FLOW FLEX. Through this line, the company makes available a wide range of services according to the requirements of connectivity and technological results for people, but also medium- sized, small and entrepreneurial companies in the megacity.
Deployment and modernization of mobile access
also, Telecom carried out a technological relief of the entire mobile network that it provides through Personal, which includes expanding the number of 4G and4.5 G mobile spots( telephone antennas) to respond to the high demand for connectivity, abused by the ferocious use of data. In addition to the deployment of the new 5G network.
The construction of new mobile antennas is essential to extend the content and quality of services, evolve the experience in the use of operations and offer other services and platforms that bear high connection speed, accompanying the demand of guests to be connected in anytime and anywhere.