Wallarm Reveals Current Threats to API Security, Move to 100 Channel Strategy and New API Attack Management Solution at Black Hat Europe 2023

Wallarm, the integrated app and API security company, moment blazoned its forthcoming appearance at Black Hat Europe 2023, theDec. 4 toDec. 7 conference that provides the rearmost in exploration, development and trends in information security. Wallarm directors are hosting a session onDec. 7 at 1215p.m. GMT at ExCeL London and participating in critical perceptivity and recommendations from the rearmost API ThreatStats ™ report. also, Wallarm is agitating its new 100-channel strategy and launching a new API Attack Surface Management result during Black Chapeau Europe.
Wallarm’s Black Hat appearance comes as interest in API security results grows in Europe, with the Europe API security request anticipated to witness request growth of 31.5 CAGR during the cast period( 2023- 2030). This critical occasion allows Wallarm to make mindful of the need for API and app security, jump-launch expansion to the European request and novitiate fresh channel mates.

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rearmost discoveries in API security from ThreatStats ™ report

Wallarm’s Tim Erlin, head of product, and Girish Bhat, VP of marketing, are leading the Black Hat Europe session, participating real-time perceptivity into pitfalls from the rearmost API ThreatStats ™ report, similar as the discovery of 239 new vulnerabilities, injections, and API data leaks. They’ll also recommend results to help security interpreters fortify their digital means, similar as prioritizing authentication, authorization and access control principles and integrating API leak protection measures.

New 100 channel model

The Wallarm platoon is also agitating its move to a 100-channel model. With a 100-channel strategy, Wallarm can deliver a better client experience through its channel mates, icing guests get the stylish value from working with a trusted result provider of their choice. With this advertisement, Wallarm is concentrated on developing new hookups encyclopedically among VARs, distributors and technology mates, as mate profitability and enablement are crucial corridors of the expanding channel mate program. Wallarm’s channel mates include Google Cloud, Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, security results leaders and independent software merchandisers.

“ Our channel program is directly linked to the quality service we give our guests, so our move to a 100-channel model is unique, ” said Clay Speckmiear, head of channel at Wallarm. “ As we look toward rapid-fire growth, a 100-channel model will help us ameliorate our effectiveness and avoid channel conflict, while not immolating value for our guests. ”

API Attack Surface Management product launch

During Black Hat Europe, Wallarm is launching API Attack Surface Management, which identifies APIs, hosts, pitfalls and misconfigurations. The new product arrives as further associations warrant visibility into their public API attack face, similar as which APIs are exposed, what risks they parade and whether they ’re defended. Being results are limited and sometimes only incompletely break the problem.

As part of the API Attack Surface Management launch, Wallarm is introducing its API Leak Discovery capability, which identifies blurted secrets — essential amid the growing concern of API data leaks.

To learn further about Wallarm’s forthcoming adverts
, please visit the platoon during Black chapeau Europe at cell# 426 and attend the session in Business Hall TheaterC.

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