Embrace Challenges and Stride Forward with Confidence and Courage

As the new time approaches us with expedients again, on behalf of ZTE, I would like to extend my sincere thanks and felicitations to our global guests, mates, investors, and people from all walks of life. My stylish wishes also go to all ZTErs for your fidelity and to your families for their uninterrupted support.

In 2023, due to the slow global profitable recovery and complex geopolitical geography, query has come the new normal, bringing enormous challenges to the ICT assiduity. For all that, the company maintained strong business adaptability thanks to the common sweats of all associates. With high R&D investments as always, we made nonstop inventions in crucial technologies similar as chipsets, algorithms, and armature, securing the competitive edge of our main products. Keeping pace with guests’ business metamorphosis and changes in the investment structure, we accelerated expansion from connectivity to calculating power, farther consolidating our position as a core supplier. Also, we must be well apprehensive that, there was still pressure in achieving new growth. In the face of the decreasingly fierce assiduity competition and rapid-fire technological invention, we should noway stop making progress and pursuing excellence for expansion into new fields and requests.

The time 2024 is pivotal for the company to succeed in the expansion phase. What lies ahead is a complex terrain noway seen ahead. In the coming time, we will see simple impacts of the complicated transnational geography and China’s inventions in wisdom and technology. As large- scale 5G construction in China reaches a table, new driving forces are arising for business growth, as substantiated by the upsurge of intelligent computing touched off by AIGC. In similar environment, the ICT assiduity is witnessing elaboration with both new openings and challenges. Despite all the difficulties along the trip of expansion, we will stay married to our original aspiration. That means strong determination to execute our three- phase strategy and promote the confluence of” connectivity computing” by fastening on invention and operation. Specifically, we will enhance inventions in 5G-Advanced, each- optic networks, calculating structure, large AI models, and new 5G operations, significantly increase the profit from terminal business grounded on AIoE, and seize the strategic openings brought by digital, intelligent, and green metamorphosis. While continuously promoting the growth of global digital frugality, we will produce further value for guests, help workers fulfill career dreams, bring significant returns to shareholders, and contribute to social development.

In business operations, we will maintain” targeted and realistic sweats for steady and sustainable growth”. In 2024, growth remains the top precedence of the company. As similar, we need to secure our presence in being requests, valve into request eventuality, and seek new growth openings. While consolidating core competitiveness of the 1st- wind business, we must strive to expedite the development of 2nd- wind business. To this end, targeted conduct need to be taken, especially in business planning, resource allocation, request identification, and R&D investment.

Concerning commercial operation, we will bring new vitality to our brigades and unleash the full eventuality of workers. It’s anticipated that all of us can take on new challenges and step out of the comfort zone to push our boundaries constantly. In the time to come, we will keep advancing digital metamorphosis to position up the effectiveness of overall operations and business overflows, therefore promoting the company’s elaboration from an” effective” to a” largely effective” association. In terms of the three strategic keystones — gift, compliance, and internal control, we aim to attract gift from each over the world, establish a best- in- class compliance operation system, and foster a culture of integrity within the company, so as to make a largely flexible association with stronger threat forestallment capabilities. As a leading ICT enterprise, ZTE is always committed to fulfilling its liabilities and using technologies for social good. Looking ahead, we will continue to bed ESG across commercial operations and governance, and strive to close the digital peak, enabling connectivity and trust far and wide.

occasion always lies in challenges, and success frequently comes to those who dare to act. In every generation of network elaboration, ZTE was always valorous to break new grounds and gauge new heights, gaining strong technological edges and capabilities over the times. Moving forward, we will see major openings arising from a new round of sci- tech revolution and artificial metamorphosis, and also the challenges posed by great- power competition and profitable troughs. nonetheless, I believe that no difficulties could ever hold us back. With deep- confirmed creativity and entrepreneurial spirit, all ZTErs are ready to carry forward our charge and write a brand new chapter. On the new trip ahead, we will support the strategic determination and concentrate on long- term development. Through targeted and realistic sweats, we anticipate to pursue progress and inventions while icing stability. Together, let’s file forward with confidence and courage and embrace a brighter future.

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