euNetworks ’ CEO delivers sapience at COP28 on the company’s sustainability focus

euNetworks Group Limited( “ euNetworks ”), a Western European bandwidth structure company, was lately featured in an interview series with leaders from across diligence accepted during the United Nations Climate Conference( COP28) in Dubai. The series of interviews captures assignments learned, sustainability success stories and crucial dispatches for the future from leaders across the energy, technology and telecom, manufacturing and finance diligence. euNetworks has also released its rearmost Sustainability Report, detailing the company’s commitment to sustainability and substantial progress over the lastyear.euNetworks builds and invests in megacity and long haul fibre networks to connect crucial European data centres and data capitals. The company owns and operates deep fibre networks in 17 metropolises and also operates a largely discerned long haul network that spans 66,000 kilometres across 17 countries moment. As a specialist in the sector, euNetworks continues to grow and invest in cooperation with its guests, investing in new technologies and heightening its unique fibre network in Europe. The company is bearing this growth with a strong focus on sustainability and has been working hard through 2023 to deliver palpable progress on its long- term sustainability pretensions.

“ Throughout euNetworks ’ history, we’ve remained devoted to our core values, and our commitment to sustainability has noway been stronger, ” said Paula Cogan, Chief Executive Officer of euNetworks. “ We understand the impact our operations can have on the terrain, and we’re committed to reducing our carbon footmark and contributing to global sweats in combatting climate change and transitioning to a low- carbon frugality. ”

COP28 has a focus on four paradigm shifts – fast- tracking the energy transition and slashing emigrations before 2030; transubstantiating climate finance by delivering on old pledges and setting the frame for a new deal on finance; putting nature, people, lives, and livelihoods at the heart of climate action; and mobilising for the most inclusive Bobby ever. euNetworks ’ sweats align with those shifts.

“ Our pledge to be net- zero carbon by 2040 isn’t just an aspiration but a driving force behind our conduct, ” said Cogan. “ We’ve joined the Climate Pledge, demonstrating our unvarying commitment to combat climate change. Setting1.5 °C- aligned wisdom- grounded targets across Scopes 1, 2, and 3 is a testament to euNetworks ’ ambition to be leaders in environmental responsibility in the digital structure ecosystem. We shifted to renewable energy sources across our business, and we ’ve reached our target of98.8 moment. We attained a Sustainability Linked Loan in 2021 that enabled us to bed our commitment to sustainability by including ESG- linked KPIs into our fiscal frame. We’re devoted to introducing invention in carbon dimension tools for service and design- grounded emigrations, empowering our guests to measure and address compass 3 emigrations with perfection, and helping suppliers to reduce their carbon footmark. Our award- winning carbon tools are laboriously used in our operations and by our guests moment. We aim to deliver the smallest carbon footmark per bit of data transmitted, which we take seriously and drives our diurnal sweats. ”

euNetworks ’ sustainability strategy, outlined in the company’s rearmost Sustainability Report, encompasses long- term objects, fastening on carbon impartiality, a different, indifferent, and inclusive pool, responsible force chain operation, client- driven invention, and biodiversity conservation

Net Zero We’ve set our sights on achieving net- zero carbon emigrations by 2040. This ambitious target involves adding our use of renewable energy sources, enforcing innovative technologies, and espousing effective functional practices to minimise environmental impact.
Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive pool We support an inclusive culture that values the uproariousness of our workers’ backgrounds and perspectives. We prioritise erecting a different, indifferent and inclusive culture, and our thing is to achieve gender balance in our pool, situating us as a preferred employer within the telecoms assiduity.
Responsible force Chain Management We unite with our mates to establish responsible force chain practices. This involves promoting translucency, ethical sourcing, and reducing our environmental footmark.
client- concentrated Innovation We’re committed to ongoing invention, developing bandwidth structure results prioritising energy effectiveness, emigrations reduction, and indirect frugality principles.
Biodiversity Preservation Our fidelity extends to contributing to biodiversity conservation and ecosystem adaptability. Our enterprise promote biodiversity mindfulness, cover natural territories and support reforestation sweats.
“ It’s clear that while euNetworks has made great progress towards its sustainability pretensions, we’re still at the morning of our trip, ” said Cogan. “ Collaboration among suppliers, guests, mates and the broader ecosystem will be essential to achieving substantial, long- term environmental change. In an assiduity abecedarian to husbandry and society, euNetworks is committed to making significant sustainability strides of its own and supporting the bigger picture of businesses working together to break the immense challenges of sustainability and climate change. ”

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