Project UP Summit The Power of Community, Partners, and Instructors

In a time of fleetly evolving technological change, it’s more important than ever that we accelerate our work to close the digital peak.

lately, Comcast brought together hundreds of nonprofit and original leaders from across the nation for our Project UP Summit – leaders who are empowering communities to influence technology to shape their lives. It was an inspiring two days at our headquarters in Philadelphia, and the perfect way to also celebrate Comcast’s founding 60 times agone
design UP, our$ 1 billion action to connect knockouts of millions of people to the Internet, is investing in, and partnering with, trusted community leaders civil to break down walls to profitable mobility and empower people with the chops and coffers they need to succeed.
The Summit was a place for our mates to gather, learn, and consolidate our collaborative impact to address social injuries and advance profitable mobility. Through every panel, rout session, mate limelight, and discussion, three recreating themes surfaced that will inform our work well beyond the peak

By being in community, we’ve the power to break challenges, earn trust, and effect change. Project UP mates are driving connected results that strengthen communities and help further people realize meaningful openings. Through stories like that ofMs. Jo Ethel( a community member) and Fernando Perez( a Digital Navigator with SERJobs), the impact of our work was forcefully described. As author Ruha Benjamin reminded us, small acts led by communities can “ make justice contagious and liberality contagious. ”
Public-private hookups can unleash the pledges of technology, propel profitable mobility, and farther broadband relinquishment and digital chops training. Leaders like Benya Beacom,co-founder of Lead for America, and Michael Smith, CEO of AmeriCorps, are answering the call of public service and partnering with Comcast to produce a digital equity public service fraternity concentrated on small and pastoral municipalities and reemergingmid-sized metropolises.

This public movement, formerly afoot, encourages youthful leaders across the country to return to, and reinvest in, the places they ’re from and they love. numerous design UP mates are, as Benya said, “ doing the hard work to make sure that coffers allocated at the civil position are touching down in countries and metropolises to eventually make a difference. ” Comcast is committed to icing that every community has access to digital openings like the Affordable Connectivity Program – the nation’s largest ever broadband benefit program.

Through mentorship we give back, inspire, and prepare the coming generation for unlimited possibilities. As we look ahead to the 2024 Olympics and Paralympics, Team USA will formerly again give alleviation to millions of Americans. We heard from Jordan Burroughs and Trevon Jenifer – decoratedU.S. Olympic andU.S. Paralympic gold losers, devoted preceptors, and proud instructors – on their fabled athletic peregrinations and how having the support of community and instructors remains integral to their success.

As Jordan noted, “ If I broke my gold order to give a piece to each person and association that’s helped me along the way, I would give each a speck of dust. ” Having instructors and coffers matters for youthful people to learn what’s possible and how to achieve their dreams.

The inspirational story of Kevin Butler, who secured in- home Internet service for his family through Comcast’s Internet rudiments and discovered The Hidden Genius design, which handed mentorship in growing his own digital chops, serves as an illustration.

Being in community, uniting with mates, and investing in instructors are all central to the charge of Project UP. These themes only support our resoluteness and energy our end to help close the digital peak and make a future of unlimited possibilities.

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