The Orange brand celebrates its 30th birthday

Reflecting on 30 years of success, spanning across 26 countries and connecting 298 million customers globally, Orange stands as a beacon of brand excellence. Since its inception, Orange has epitomized a fusion of global recognition with local relevance, embodying simplicity, positivity, and an unwavering commitment to its customers. Let’s delve into the remarkable journey of this iconic brand, deeply rooted in customer experience while steadfastly navigating towards a sustainable future.

Origins in the UK, Ascension to Global Prominence The Orange brand traces its roots back to the United Kingdom, where in the early 1990s, a team dispatched by Hutchison Whampoa, led by Hans Snook, was tasked with reviving the struggling Rabbit mobile network. Instead of shutting it down, Snook saw an opportunity to reinvigorate it under a fresh identity. Thus, on April 28, 1994, Orange was born.

In 2000, France Télécom acquired Orange, heralding a new chapter in its journey. Leveraging its robust brand appeal, Orange embarked on an ambitious international expansion. In France, Wanadoo and Ma Ligne TV were seamlessly integrated into the Orange ecosystem by 2006. Subsequently, in 2013, the entire Group embraced the Orange identity.

The Outcome? A Distinctive Global Brand Today, Orange stands as a symbol of trust and reliability across 26 countries spanning Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. Moreover, through Orange Business, its influence extends to over 200 countries and territories worldwide. Notably, the Orange brand ranks as the second most valuable telecom brand in Europe and the third most valuable French brand, as per the esteemed Brand Finance Global 500 2024 ranking. This illustrious journey underscores Orange’s unparalleled success and its unwavering commitment to excellence.

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