Accenture to Acquire Vocatus, Expanding Its Capabilities in Behavioral Pricing Strategies

Accenture( NYSEACN) has entered into an agreement to acquire operation consultancy Vocatus, which uses behavioral economics modeling to develop pricing strategies and deals generalities for business- to- business and business- to- consumer models. The terms of the accession weren’t bared.
With the accession of Vocatus, Accenture expands its immolations for guests in Europe with lesser modeling capabilities for relating price situations and deals optimization, secerning from challengers and communicating with guests – using behavioral economics goods to prognosticate decision- making and align incitement systems.

Headquartered in Munich, Vocatus and its further than 50 experts will join Accenture’s Commercial Strategy, Growth and Pricing division. For nearly 25 times, the company has been supporting businesses in sectors like fiscal services, media and telecommunications. Vocatus developed a personal, comprehensive system in- house, called GRIPS, to identify copping
and buyer types for specific requests. The system has been vindicated in over 500 qualitative and quantitative studies for guests across 30 countries since 2008.

” Vocatus brings a discerned approach to geste

  • grounded pricing that will help our guests gain a competitive edge and ameliorate their request position. The accession complements our immolations in enforcing growth and effectiveness strategies with a view toward pricing and deals optimization,” said Johannes Trenka, Accenture’s strategy, growth and pricing lead in Europe. Christina Raab, request unit lead of Accenture in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, added” Business and client requirements and conditions are prone to change – especially in unpredictable times. With their in-depth knowledge, Vocatus will expand our pricing strategies and modeling, support our guests in contemporizing their deals operation and eventually help boost profitability. Together, we can help companies make adaptability and remain competitive for the long term, reinventing their business models in order to keep pace with dislocation.” Florian Bauer, member of the superintendent board of Vocatus, explained” Accenture’s scale and global presence open up instigative new perspectives for our platoon members and guests. Together, we can take behavioral pricing and selling to a new position in a number of diligence and offer companies holistic results for strategic pricing, as well as politic price prosecution.” This accession is subject to customary ending conditions. Forward-Looking Statements
    Except for the literal information and conversations contained herein, statements in this news release may constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Words similar as “ may, ” “ will, ” “ should, ” “ probably, ” “ anticipates, ” “ aspires, ” “ expects, ” “ intends, ” “ plans, ” “ systems, ” “ believes, ” “ estimates, ” “ deposited, ” “ outlook, ” “ thing, ” “ target ” and analogous expressions are used to identify these forward-looking statements. These statements aren’t guarantees of unborn performance nor pledges that pretensions or targets will be met, and involve a number of pitfalls, misgivings and other factors that are delicate to prognosticate and could beget factual results to differ materially from those expressed or inferred. These pitfalls include, without limitation, pitfalls that Accenture and Vocatus won’t be suitable to close the sale in the time period anticipated, or at all, which is dependent on the parties ’ capability to satisfy certain ending conditions; the sale might not achieve the anticipated benefits for Accenture; Accenture’s results of operations have been, and may in the future be, negatively affected by unpredictable, negative or uncertain profitable and political conditions and the goods of these conditions on the company’s guests ’ businesses and situations of business exertion; Accenture’s business depends on generating and maintaining customer demand for the company’s services and results including through the adaption and expansion of its services and results in response to ongoing changes in technology and immolations, and a significant reduction in similar demand or an incapability to respond to the evolving technological terrain could materially affect the company’s results of operations; if Accenture is unfit to match people and their chops with customer demand around the world and attract and retain professionals with strong leadership chops, the company’s business, the application rate of the company’s professionals and the company’s results of operations may be materially negatively affected; Accenture faces legal, reputational and fiscal pitfalls from any failure to cover customer and/ or company data from security incidents or cyberattacks; the requests in which Accenture operates are largely competitive, and Accenture might not be suitable to contend effectively; Accenture’s capability to attract and retain business and workers may depend on its character in the business; if Accenture doesn’t successfully manage and develop its connections with crucial ecosystem mates or fails to anticipate and establish new alliances in new technologies, the company’s results of operations could be negatively affected; Accenture’s profitability could materially suffer if the company is unfit to gain favorable pricing for its services and results, if the company is unfit to remain competitive, if its cost- operation strategies are unprofitable or if it experiences delivery inefficiencies or fail to satisfy certain agreed- upon targets or specific service situations; changes in Accenture’s position of levies, as well as checkups, examinations and duty proceedings, or changes in duty laws or in their interpretation or enforcement, could have a material adverse effect on the company’s effective duty rate, results of operations, cash overflows and fiscal condition; Accenture’s results of operations could be materially negatively affected by oscillations in foreign currency exchange rates; changes to account norms or in the estimates and hypotheticals Accenture makes in connection with the medication of its consolidated fiscal statements could negatively affect its fiscal results; as a result of Accenture’s geographically different operations and strategy to continue to grow in crucial requests around the world, the company is more susceptible to certain pitfalls; if Accenture is unfit to manage the organizational challenges associated with its size, the company might be unfit to achieve its business objects.

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