New Data from Glassbox Reveals Consumer Expectations Versus Reality for Digital Holiday Shopping gests

Glassbox( TASE GLBX), a leading provider of digital experience intelligence for web and mobile operations, moment blazoned the results of a new consumer shopping check, “ Digital Holiday Shopping gests prospects Reality. ” The results showcase how the consumer shopping experience is evolving for digital and mobile channels with decreasingly high client prospects placed on ease of navigation, convenience, and substantiated shopping gests.
The two-part check reveals perceptivity into how U.S. consumers planned to engage brands and retailers previous to the Cyber Weekend shopping period, as well as how they actually engaged brands and retailers during Cyber Weekend. Results show that, with many exceptions, how consumers planned to protect matched how they actually did shop. This should serve as a memorial to brands and retailers Consumers know how they want to engage, and it’s vital to meet their prospects for where, when, and how they prefer to protect.

Where Prospects Matched Reality

Before conducting Cyber Weekend shopping, 57 of consumers said they planned to protect via mobile apps; when the weekend arrived, 63 actually did shop via mobile apps.
80 of those who safeguarded via mobile app were satisfied with the experience.
26 of the consumers planned to protect via business websites( similar to, and 25 of the consumers did so.
17 of the consumers planned to protect directly through brand or retail websites; 18 of the consumers actually did.
32 of consumers planned to protect in person this time, and 31 did so.
The most important factors for a good shopping experience were substantiated product recommendations and flexible return programs
24 said substantiated product recommendations were most important before shopping; 29 said it was most important during shopping.
22 said flexible return programs were most important previous to shopping; 23 said so after shopping.
Focus on Digital Experience Pays Off for Retailers

Only 41 of consumers said they were likely to engage in “pre-shopping ” conditioning online, similar to browsing particulars or adding them to a want list, before the Black Friday and Cyber Weekend deals. still, retailers successfully engaged 70 consumers in pre-shopping conditioning.
previous to vacation shopping, 45 of consumers said they would abandon a purchase if they encountered a problem during checkout. In practice, only 23 of consumers abandoned purchases due to checkout issues.
66 of consumers said that access to live client support while shopping would be important, yet only 54 of consumers had to engage client support while shopping.
Unrealized openings Remain

Before Cyber Weekend, 84 of consumers said they would be willing to install and protect through a retailer’s mobile app if it gave them access to better pricing or deals. In reality, only 31 downloaded a new mobile app for better pricing or deals.
31 of consumers anticipated their shopping to be told by TikTok, but only 13 actually made a purchase on TikTok during Cyber Weekend.
“ The data easily shows that guests continue to shift their vacation shopping to digital channels and have high prospects for their digital client experience. We also see that retailers are more constantly meeting those prospects, ” said Debbie Braney, SVP of Global Marketing at Glassbox. “ Delivering flawless digital gests is consummate to landing vacation shopping profit and also to erecting long-term client fidelity. Brands that reduce disunion and use data to epitomize guests will turn cybersurfers into buyers and keep guests coming back. ”

Survey Methodology

Results are grounded on two Dynata checks conducted in November 2023, with each check targeting 1,000 U.S. consumers over 18 times of age. Part one of the check was issued previous to Cyber Weekend to gain perceptivity into how consumers planned to protect. Part two was conducted following Cyber Weekend to gauge how consumers actually did shop for the periodic retail vacation.

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