T-Mobile, Deutsche Telekom Pick 2024 T Challenge Finalists

The global competition between T-Mobile US and Deutsche Telekom enters an exciting new phase with the launch of this year’s T Challenge. This competition invites innovators from across the globe to submit their ideas on how artificial intelligence (AI) can revolutionize telecommunication services. With cash prizes reaching up to €225,000 (or equivalent in U.S. dollars), winning teams stand to gain substantial rewards. Additionally, all finalists will have the opportunity to explore further collaborations with T-Mobile US and Deutsche Telekom across the United States, Germany, and Europe.

Twelve teams have been selected as finalists and now have until June to refine their ideas before presenting their solutions to a panel of judges from T-Mobile US and Deutsche Telekom. The final presentations will take place at Deutsche Telekom’s headquarters in Bonn, Germany, on June 10 and 11, 2024.

Here are the categories and respective finalists for the 2024 competition:

Network Management:

  • AWS (United Kingdom)
  • Invenium (Lithuania)
  • Rockfish Data (United States)
  • Tiami Networks (United States)
  • Tietoevery (Ukraine)
  • University of Washington (United States)

Customer Experience:

  • Anymate Me (Germany)
  • Katonic AI (Australia)
  • NLPearl AI (Israel)
  • Tupl (Spain)

Applied AI:

  • Synthefy (United States)
  • GeoSPS (Germany)

T-Mobile’s leadership in 5G technology is noteworthy. They boast the country’s largest, fastest, and most acclaimed 5G network. Covering more than 330 million people across two million square miles, T-Mobile’s 5G network outpaces the combined coverage of AT&T and Verizon. Moreover, T-Mobile’s super-fast Ultra Capacity 5G extends to over 300 million people nationwide, with coverage spanning over 2x more square miles than comparable mid-band 5G offerings from their closest competitors.

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